Johannese 8:7 – John 8:7 – 2012

Johannese 8:7 – John 8:7 – 2012

Aga kui nad küsides peale käisid, ajas Jeesus enese sirgu ja ütles neile: „Kes teie seast ei ole pattu teinud, visaku teda esimesena kiviga!” / When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Talve lõppedes soovisin talve algust – In the End of Winter I Wished a Beginning of Winter 2013

Talve lõppedes soovisin talve algust – In the End of Winter I Wished a Beginning of Winter 2013

Kui algab kevad, algab õud. Olen omaenda õudusse suletud. Soovin kogu südamest talve uut algust. Ma soovin hingata. / I am within the world. Here and now. And, I cannot wholly partake of all that is offered. My organism is sensitive to many things in the world. This is an exclusion. When spring starts a horror starts. I am enclosed into my own horror. I wish with all my heart that winter starts again. I want to breathe.

Veremineraalid – Blood Minerals – 2012

Veremineraalid – Blood Minerals – 2012

„Veremineraalid“ 15-minutiline performance, mis viitab Kongo kaevandustes toimuvale vägivallale, võitlusele elu eest. See puudutab otseselt meid kõiki, kes me kasutame mobiiltelefone ja muud tehnikat, mille valmistamisel kasutatakse Kongos leiduvaid mineraale. / Blood Minerals is a 15 minute long reference performance about the violence, the fight for the life in the Congo’s mines. It touches all of us who we use mobile phones and other technology that are made with the minerals from the mines.