Siseloodus – Inner Nature – 2017

Siseloodus – Inner Nature – 2017

Tol korral, kui kõik pimenes, sisemine valgus valgustas peidetud loodust, võrratuid mustreid ja värve – elu, mis senini vaid aimatav oli olnud. Nüüd on see kõikjal… / That time, when everything fell into the darkness, the inner light lightened the hidden nature, the incredible patterns and colours – it lightened the life that was solely adumbrative before. Now it is seen everywhere…

Kildudes jõgi – River in the Smithereens – 2015

Kildudes jõgi – River in the Smithereens – 2015

Seisin pea ühe terve suve ühe jõe kaldal, vaatasin tumedat voolavat vett ja justkui ei olnudki enam lootust. / I stood almost throughout the whole summer on the bank of a river, looking at the dark flowing water. As if there was no hope anymore.