Mazzano Romano aeg IV – The Time of Mazzano Romano IV

Mazzano Romano aeg IV – The Time of Mazzano Romano IV

Ma jäin paigale, ma olin kohal… Ja ta tuli, ta liikus mu ümber. Nagu vaimusilm näinud oli, ta järgnes loodusesse, kuid ta jättis mulle taganemistee. Kuidas oleksin ma enam tagasi astuda saanud? / I stayed there, I was still… And he came, he moved around me. As the spirit eye had seen, he came after I went into nature, but he left me with a retreat. How could I have resigned?

Mazzano Romano aeg III – The Time of Mazzano Romano III

Mazzano Romano aeg III – The Time of Mazzano Romano III

Siinsamas vanalinnas on ta leidnud end kaardistamata alalt. Ta püüab näha tundmatuses juhatust, kuid ei näe enam midagi. Kõik linnud lendavad ta selja taga, nende poole tagasi pöörduda ta ei saa ja silme ees haigutab seletamatu maa, milles ei erista mäge orust ja orgu mäest. / Here in the Old Town, she has found herself in an uncharted area. She tries to see guidance in the unknown, but sees nothing anymore. All the birds fly behind her, she cannot return to them, and in front of her eyes dehisces an inexplicable land, in which there is no distinction between mountain and valley and mountain.

Mazzano Romano aeg II – The Time of Mazzano Romano II

Mazzano Romano aeg II – The Time of Mazzano Romano II

Soovin kuulda lunastavast armust. Otsin selle kargust… Karastav on alati ühtaegu karm ja nii ilus. Ükski üleliigne mõte ega tunne ei leia külmas asu. Las see jäine iil puhastab. / I wish to hear about the expiatory blessing. I search the frosty crispness of it… Bracing is always so austere and so beautiful at the same time. No redundant thought or emotion will find its place in the cold. Let this freezing heeler purify.

Mazzano Romano aeg – The Time of Mazzano Romano

Mazzano Romano aeg – The Time of Mazzano Romano

Vanalinna arhailine orgaanika ning kogu linna, ümbruskonna ebatasasus ja maalilisus vaid süvendasid ilule järgnemist, igatsust ülendava vastu. Mind köitis, kui suitsused on kõik need maastikuis tõusvad toonid, kui suitsused rohelised, kui sügavad pruunid. / The archaic organics of the Old Town and the unevenness and picturesqueness of the whole city, its surroundings, only deepened the pursuit of beauty, the longing for the sublime. I was fascinated by the smokiness of all those rising tones in the landscape, the smoky greens, the deep browns.