by Kaia Otstak | May 23, 2020 | Graafika - Graphics, Loomingust - On Creation, Lugu - Story
Valu ebatõelisus – The Illusion of the Pain [Scroll down for English version] Ausalt. Olin öösel habras, habras… Ei leidnud uinudes asu. Lasin eneses olevatel tunnetel end näidata, neil voolata. Leidsin ühe väikese tüdruku, kes sammus üksinda kaugele, kaugele…...
by Kaia Otstak | May 10, 2020 | Lugu - Story
Red Winter 12.12.2018, Harku It is the time of reflection, it is the time of solitude, the time of inner settling. So much has been wound up and now it is the moment to grasp it, to acknowledge it. This time I am going to be red. Sometimes an awareness of something...