Johannese 8:7 – John 8:7 – 2012
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2014 JOHN 7:8, European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups, Tallink Spa & Conference Hotell, Tallinn, Eesti
2013 JOHN 7:8, Otets Paisiy Street Festival („Улица Отец Паисий“ 2013 – ПОВЕДЕНИЕ”) Plovdiv, Bulgaaria
2012 JOHN 7:8, Dimanche Rouge, Sokos Hotel Viru, Tallinn, Eesti
2012 JOHN 7:8, ESTOMANIA, Gallery Myymälä2, Helsingi, Soome
„Johannese 8:7” on 15-minutiline interaktiivne performance, kus kunstnik püüab tõstatada/ üha uuesti avada ühte vana küsimust kohtumõistmise kohta. Kunstnik on juba ennem performance’i algus poolalasti riidepundar käes. Kui esinemiskord on käes, siis ta läheb “lavale” ja kleebib üles plakati, millel on tsitaat Piiblist: Aga kui nad küsides peale käisid, ajas Jeesus enese sirgu ja ütles neile: „Kes teie seast ei ole pattu teinud, visaku teda esimesena kiviga!” Seejärel lohistab ta endale toolid müürina ümber, hakkab riideid selga panema ja inimestelt küsima: „Kas mul/sul on õigus kohut mõista?” endale samal ajal riideid kihiti selga pannes. Lõpuks, kui kõik riided on selga saadud, kunstnik vaikib. Seal, kus oli riidekuhi, on suur kivi, mille kunstnik endale kätte võtab ja sellega inimeste juurde läheb.
2014 John 7:8, European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups, Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel, Tallinn, Estonia
2013 John 7:8, Otets Paisiy Street Festival (“Улица Отец Паисий“ 2013 – ПОВЕДЕНИЕ”), Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2012 John 7:8, Dimanche Rouge, Sokos Hotel Viru (Cafe Amigo), Tallinn, Estonia
2012 John 7:8, ESTOMANIA, Gallery Myymälä2, Helsinki, Finland
John 8:7 is a 15 minute long interactive performance where artist tries to arise/ again and again open one old question about the conviction. An artist is sitting or walking half-nakedly around before her performance, holding clothes in her arms. When it’s time to go on “stage” she puts up a poster where stays quotation from the Bible: When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Thereafter the artist drags chairs as a wall around her and starts to put on clothes and asking the questions from the public: “Do I have a right to judge? Do you have a right to judge?” etc., while putting more and more clothes on. Finally, when all the clothes are on, the artist fall silent. There, where was a big pile of clothes, is a big rock. She takes the rock and goes to the people.
performance JOHANNESE 8:7, Kaia Otstak, 8.juuni 2013, Plovdiv, Otets Paisiy Street Festival („Улица Отец Паисий“ 2013 – ПОВЕДЕНИЕ”), Plovdiv, Bulgaaria, fotod: Yana Punkina, Anna Maria Krezel & teadmata
performance JOHN 8:7, Kaia Otstak, 8 Jun 2013, Plovdiv, Otets Paisiy Street Festival („Улица Отец Паисий“ 2013 – ПОВЕДЕНИЕ”), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, photos by Yana Punkina, Anna Maria Krezel & unknown
performance JOHANNESE 8:7, Kaia Otstak, 22. mai 2014, European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups, Tallink Spa & Conference Hotell, Tallinn, Eesti, fotod: Kärt Hammer
performance JOHN 8:7, Kaia Otstak, 22 May 2014, European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups, Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel, Tallinn, Estonia, photos by Kärt Hammer