Inimese intervjueerimine – Interviewing a Human Being – 2012
Ze works, this human. Ze works, because Ze found Hir beginning after Paradise.
And Ze feels Nakedness. So Ze works more.
And as a by- or mainproduct of the work, Meaning spills into the world… It is asked, why? For what? (Kaia Otstak 2012)
[Scroll down for English version]
2012 Dimanche Rouge, KUMU Kunstimuuseum, Tallinn, Eesti
2012 Dimanche Rouge, Kultuuritehas Polymer, Tallinn, Eesti
2012 Zodiac, Kaapelitehdas, Helsingi, Soome
„Inimese intervjueerimine” on 15-minutiline performance, kus inimene video taustal peseb põrandat omaenda seljast võetavate riietega, mida kastab spotlight’i ringi keskel olevasse veeämbrisse. Tema juures on intervjueerija mikrofoniga, mis võtab üles vaid vee loksumist ämbris, nühkimist ja pesija hingeldamist. Pesemise kohal mängib video, kus lehitsetakse märkmikku, milles leidub tsitaate kirjakultuurist läbi ajaloo (lõigud loogika õpikust, Piiblist, filosoofilistest tekstidest ja mujalt). Viimasel märkmiku leheküljel on kollase (reklaam)tähe sisse kirjutatud: „WORK LIBERATES“ (“töö teeb vabaks”), mille ilmumine ekraanile kattub pesija paljaks jäämisega.
2012 Interviewing a Human Being, Dimanche Rouge, KUMU Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia
2012 Interviewing a Human Being, Dimanche Rouge, Culture Factory Polymer, Tallinn, Estonia
2012 Interviewing a Human Being, Esitystaiteen Markkinat, Zodiac, Cable Factory (Kaapelitehdas), Helsinki, Finland
Interviewing a Human Being is a 15 minute long performance, where a human being washes a floor with her own clothes she will take off piece by piece which are watered into the basket in the middle of the spotlight. By the side of Ze is the interviewer with the microphone that solely imparts the sounds of the clucking water, the washing, and the breathing of the washer. Above the washing plays a video, where someone is leafing through a notebook in which are written quotations from the writing culture throughout the history (paragraphs from the textbook of Logic, the Bible, philosophical texts, etc.). On the last page of the notebook stays within the yellow (advertise) star WORK LIBERATES, which coincides with the nakedness of the washer.
performance INIMESE INTERVJUEERIMINE, Kaia Otstak, 14. apr. 2012, Esitystaiteen Markkinat, Zodiac, Helsingi, fotod: Erki Kasemets ja Mitro Härkonen
performance INTERVIEWING A HUMAN BEING, Kaia Otstak, 14 Apr 2012, Esitystaiteen Markkinat, Zodiac, Helsinki, photos by Erki Kasemets and Mitro Härkonen
performance INIMESE INTERVJUEERIMINE, Kaia Otstak, 20. okt. 2012, Dimanche Rouge, Kultuuritehas Polymer, Tallinn, fotod: Evi Pärn
performance INTERVIEWING A HUMAN BEING, Kaia Otstak, 20 Oct 2012, Dimanche Rouge, Culture Factory Polymer, Tallinn, photos by Evi Pärn
performance INIMESE INTERVJUEERIMINE, Kaia Otstak, 21. okt. 2012, Dimanche Rouge, KUMU Kunstimuuseum, Tallinn, filmis Ele Arder
performance INTERVIEWING A HUMAN BEING, Kaia Otstak, 21 Oct 2012, Dimanche Rouge, KUMU Art Museum, Tallinn, filmed by Ele Arder