Mazzano Romano aeg – The Time of Mazzano Romano

[Scroll down for English version]

Selle aasta märtsi- ja aprillikuu olin Itaalias, Mazzano Romanos kunstnike külalisateljees Väino Tanner Foundation stipendiumiga (olen südamest tänulik ka Eesti Kultuurkapitalile toetuse eest). Mazzano Romano asub ligikaudu 40 km Roomast põhja suunas. Külalisateljee oli maalikunstnikule loodud: kõrged laed, valged seinad ja imeline vaade vanalinna suurimast aknast. Ärkasin iga hommik tänutundega sellises maagilises kohas kunsti loomise ja vaimutöö tegemise eest.

Vanalinna arhailine orgaanika ning kogu linna, ümbruskonna ebatasasus ja maalilisus vaid süvendasid ilule järgnemist, igatsust ülendava vastu. Mind köitis, kui suitsused on kõik need maastikuis tõusvad toonid, kui suitsused rohelised, kui sügavad pruunid – ka öine taevas oli sügav-tumesinise taevakarguse asemel müstiline suitsu-must. Maast tõusis auru ja ma tundsin tumepruunide värvide valgumist ihu-luudesse.

Mazzano Romano aeg oli suurte muutuste ja uute tundmuste aeg. See oli sisemist terast karastav aeg. Alatasa leidsin end koos 2-aastase tütrega olukordadest, mis oleksid justkui lapsepõlve ebamugavaist unenägudest ilmunud. Polnud aga asu allaheitlikkusele, tuli tegutseda, leida lahendus ning südamerõõm- ja rahu kasvasid; õhtu lõpuks jõudsime õnneks alati koju küünlavalguse hoitusse. Samaaegselt nende uskumatult topakate olukordadega, oli see imede aeg, soovide täitumise koht.

Väljavõtteid päevaraamatust ja Mazzano Romanos loodud kunsti jagan teistes postitustes, kuid märgin siin, et pea terve residentuuri vältel kõlas maalimise-joonistamise-kirjutamise taustaks Kaya Project’i albub Firedance ( Siin allpool näeb aga hetki läbi fotokaamera silma.

Lennates üle mäeahelike sisenes mu meelde selge mõte: ükskõik, mis koht see on, kus ma maandun, seal leian ma kodu ja hingesugulase./
Flying over the chain of mountains a clear thought entered into my mind-soul: it does not matter, what is this place where I will land, I will find home and a soulmate there.

In the March and April of this year, I was in Italy, in Mazzano Romano at the artists’ quest studio with the Väino Tanner Foundation grant (I am wholeheartedly grateful for the Cultural Endowment of Estonia also). Mazzano Romano is about 40 km from the Rome to the North. The guest studio was designed for the painter: high ceilings, white walls and a magnificent view from the Old Town’s largest window. I woke up every morning with gratitude for such a magical place for creating art and doing spiritual mind-work.

The archaic organics of the Old Town and the unevenness and picturesqueness of the whole city, its surroundings, only deepened the pursuit of beauty, the longing for the sublime. I was fascinated by the smokiness of all those rising tones in the landscape, the smoky greens, the deep browns – the night sky, too, was a mystical smoke-black instead of a deep-blue cool-sky. Steam rose from the ground and I felt dark brown colors seep into the flesh-bones.

Mazzano Romano’s time was a time of great change and new sensations. It was a time of tempering the inner steel. I constantly found myself with a 2-year-old daughter in situations that would have come out of the uncomfortable childhood dreams. But there was no place for submissiveness, there was a need to act, to find a solution, and peace of mind and joy of heart grew; fortunately, by the end of the evening, we always arrived at home to the warmness of the candle light. At the same time as these incredibly cumbersome situations, it was a time of miracles, a place of wish fulfillment.

I share excerpts from the diary and art created in Mazzano Romano in other posts, but here I note that the musical background for the residency painting-drawing-writing was the Kaya Project’s Firedance ( Below are seen the moments from the camera.


Mazzano Romano külalisateljees/
At the art-studio in Mazzano Romano

Mazzano Romano külalisateljees joonistamist harjutava tütrega/
At the art-studio in Mazzano Romano with my drawing practicing daughter

Mazzano Romano külalisateljees/
At the art-studio in Mazzano Romano

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Vaade ateljee aknast/
A view from the window of the studio

Mazzano Romano külalisateljees/
At the art-studio in Mazzano Romano

Udune hommik ateljees/
The misty morning in the studio

Uduse hommiku vaade ateljee aknast/
A view from the window of the studio in the misty morning

Uduse hommiku vaade ateljee aknast/
A view from the window of the studio in the misty morning

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Teel Mazzano Romanost Calcatasse/
On the way from Mazzano Romano to Calcata

Teel Mazzano Romanost Calcatasse/
On the way from Mazzano Romano to Calcata

Teel Mazzano Romanost Calcatasse/
On the way from Mazzano Romano to Calcata


Calcata, Kaia Otstak 2019

Calcata, Kaia Otstak 2019

Vaade Civita Castellana’st mäele, mida näeb ka Mazzano Romanost/
View from the Civita Castellana to the mountain that is also seen from the Mazzano Romano

Civita Castellana, Kaia Otstak 2019

Civita Castellana, Kaia Otstak 2019

Rongijaama Neitsi Maarja Roomas/
The train station Madonna at Rome, Kaia Otstak 2019

Rooma/ Rome, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Ükskõik, kuhu me ka ei läinud, oli see mees meid alati ootamas/
Wherever we went this man was waiting us there

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano külalisateljees/
At the art-studio in Mazzano Romano

Vaade ateljee aknast/
A view from the window of the studio

Vaade ateljee aknast/
A view from the window of the studio

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano

Mazzano Romano

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Calcata, Kaia Otstak 2019

Calcata, Kaia Otstak 2019

Calcata, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano, Kaia Otstak 2019

Mazzano Romano külalisateljees/
At the art-studio in Mazzano Romano

Vaade ateljee aknast/
A view from the window of the studio

Vaade ateljee aknast/
A view from the window of the studio