Ema hääl – The Voice of Mother
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“Ema hääl” on minu tõlgendus tuntud “Punamütsikese” muinasjutust. See on lugu emahaavast ja hülgamisest, mida tütar endaga kannab, sest ta ei olnud oma vanematele oodatud poeg, keda nende kultuur väärtustab. Ta jäi vanaema hoolde. Tüdruk uskus, et vanaema on teda armastanud, kuid naisena enda mälestustesse minnes leiab ta eest mitte armastava vanaema, vaid kellegi, kes polnudki nii armastav… Vanaemagi pole muud kui sama kultuuri ja traditsiooni jätkaja, kus väikesed tüdrukud oodatud ei ole. Vanaema ja ema kannavad sedasama kultuurilist taaka. Ja neil pole häält. See lugu on inspireeritud mu hinge teekonna kaaslase elust.
EMA HÄÄL – THE VOICE OF MOTHER, pliiats paberil – pencil on paper, 16,8 x 22,3 cm, Kaia Otstak 2023
The Voice of Mother is my interpretation of the well-known “Little Red Riding Hood” fairy tale. It is a story of a mother’s wound and abandonment that a daughter carries with her because he was not the son expected of his parents and valued by their culture. She was left in the care of his grandmother. The girl believed that her grandmother had loved her, but when she goes to her memories as a woman, she finds not a caring grandmother, but someone who was not so loving… Even the grandmother is nothing more than a continuation of the same culture and tradition where little girls are not welcome. The grandmother and the mother carry the same cultural burden. And they have no voice. This story is inspired by the life of my soulmate.