Pildid Rumile – Pictures for Rumi
Meie oleme öö ookean tulvil
valguse helke. Meie oleme ruum
kuu ja kalade vahel,
istudes siin üheskoos.
Rumi (tlk Doris Kareva)
We are the night ocean filled
with glints of light. We are the space
between the fish and the moon,
while we sit here together.
illustration for Rumi MEIE OLEME ÖÖ OOKEAN – WE ARE THE NIGHT OCEAN, akvarell paberil – aquarelle on paper, A4, Kaia Otstak 2023
Las tolm sinu jalge alt
langeb mu ripsmetele.
Kui piinad mind, rõõmustan: see
on märk sinu truudusest.
Rumi (tlk Doris Kareva)
illustration for Rumi LAS TOLM – LET DUST, akvarell paberil – aquarelle on paper, A4, Kaia Otstak 2023
Tants pole karglemine ja kerge
õhkutõus tolmuna.
Kahe maailma kohale tõstab tants
valu veres, loobudes elust.
Rumi (tlk Doris Kareva)
Dancing is not just getting up painlessly, like a leaf blown on the wind; dancing is when you tear your heart out and rise out of your body to hang suspended between the worlds.
illustration for Rumi TANTS POLE – DANCING IS NOT, akvarell paberil – aquarelle on paper, A4, Kaia Otstak 2023