Südame ulg hinge huikes – The Howl of the Heart in the Hoot of the Soul
SÜDAME ULG HINGE HUIKES – THE HOWL OF THE HEART IN THE HOOT OF THE SOUL, segatehnika paberil – mixed on paper, 50 x 50 cm, Kaia Otstak 2018
Päevalill-päike, hunt-loom, kakk-lind, ulg-huige, maa-meri, viinamari-tuul, hele-tume-värviline, yin-yang, hingestatud-kehastunud, roheline-sinine-lilla ja midagi ürgset ja kosmilist. Siin on näha ühele imeilusale perekonnale joonistatud pildi tööprotsess.
Sunflower-Sun, wolf-animal, owl-bird, howl-hoot, Earth-sea, grape-wind, light-dark-colourful, yin-yang, soulful-embodied, green-blue-lilac-purple, and something wild and cosmic. Here it is seen a work in progress of the picture that is meant for one beautiful family: