Lilled rebasele – Flowers for the Fox

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Üks tore ema kirjutas ja küsis, kas ma saab midagi luua tema pere arvestades, kus valitseb naiste ülevõim – ema koos kolme tütrekese ja emaste loomadega. Koheselt ilmus mu silme ette ring rebase ja lilledega (mis on nende perega soetud) – justkui yin ja yang, mille keskelt kõik välja kasvab. Edasi mõtlesingi sümboolikale, värvidele ja muule ülesehitusele, mis võiks olla pere kodukaitseks ja tugevdavaks pildiks. Rebas-lill kutsikad kannavad magnoolia õisi märkides naiselikkust. Pojengid, aga loovad tasakaalustava meheliku jõu. Lillede lõhn meelitas kohale ka mesimummud, kes on nagu ikka viljakuse ja töökuse sümboliks, mis väga hästi perekonnapildi loomusega kokku sobib. Fotoaparaat koos statiiv-kiirtega märgivad ühist huvi fotomaailma vastu. Üks perepea on metsausku, teine aga mereõhku nautiv. Pere on toetatud Maa poolt ja sirgub Taeva poole, et oleks hoitust ja oleks edasivaatamist.


2018 LILLED REBASELE – FLOWERS TO THE FOX, segatehnika paberil – mixed on paper, 40 x 40 cm, KaiaOtstak

A wonderful mom wrote me and asked if I can create something for her family. To the family with the dominion of the women – the mother, the three daughters and the female animals. Right away, I pictured a circle with the fox and flowers (the family names’ symbols) in my mind – like the yin and yang through which everything  blossoms. Hereupon I was thinking on the symbols, colours, and composition that could protect and consolidate the home’s atmosphere. The fox-flower puppies carry the magnolia flowers that are for femininity. To create the balance, masculine power come into as the peonies. The scent of the flowers called out the honey birds who are the symbol of fertility and diligence, which goes well with the nature of the family-picture. The camera with the tripod-rays denote the family’s common interest – the photo-world. One head of the family is the forest-believer while another one enjoys the air of the sea. The earth supports the family and rises up to the heaven; for the family to be cradled and that there will be a look forward.

Siin on “Lilled rebasele” loomise protsess koos ajaliste kommentaaridega/ Here is the work in process of the Flowers for the Fox with the daily comments:


Ilusa hispaania chilloudi rütmides töötades ja tantsides/ Working and dancing with the beautiful Spanish chillout
#guardianspirit #workinprogress #fox #foxfamily #photographysouls #flowerpower🌸 #inspiration #figurative #figurativedrawing


Töö areneb tipa-tapa, kui 14-kuune tütreke on kõrval/ Work in progress pit-a-pat with the 14mo daughter beside


Tundub, nagu oleks “lõpetatud”, kuid ma tunnen, et mõned elemendid on puudu, et pildil tervendavat ja kaitsvat sidet luua/ Seems like ‘finished’, but I feel that there are some elements missing to give it the healing and protective connection


Pärast kõikide nende peas hüüdvate häälte mahakeeramist, et: sa pead teadma, millal lõpetada, lihtsuses peitub ilus jne, tegin ma seda, mis mulle endale rõõmu pakub. Olen tänulik tellijale, kes toetas minu südamehäält, usaldas minu vaistu, nii et sain võtta riski/ After cutting off all the voices in the head: you have to know when to stop; keep it simple; etc., I did what gave me joy. I’m grateful to the client who supported the way of the heart-mind – trusted my intuition so I took the risk: #guardianspirit #workinprogress #fox #foxfamily #photographysouls #flowerpower🌸#fairytale #inspiration #figurative #figurativedrawing ❇


“Lõpetatud”!/ ‘Finished’!