Võrevoodi pilt – Picture for the Crib

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Mäletan hästi, kuidas alla-aastasena võrevoodis pulkade vahelt vaatasin eesti kunstniku Ülle Meistri lastejoonistusi, uurisin, analüüsisin, imetlesin neid. See oli mõnus, süvenev kogemus, mida soovisin ka oma tütrekesele.  Nii sündiski suvel suvine joonistus! Peamiseks inspiratsiooniks oli tütreke ise – tema näoilmed ja olemine ning ka tema tulemine siia ilma. Lapsena pilte vaadates oli olulisimaks puhaste toonidega värvitud detailide ja tegevuste rohkus. Eriti raske oli mul toona mõista, et miks küll värvipliiatsi karpi lilla ja pruun pliiats lisatakse – kes küll neid kasutab? Olin vaat, et suisa vihanegi selle peale, et pliiatsikarpi sedaviisi “reostati”… Praegu aga ilma nende värvideta ma läbi ei saanud.


KINGITUS/ THE GIFT, segatehnika/ mixed technique, 60 x 80 cm, Kaia Otstak 2017

I remember how I looked through crib’s sticks an Estonian artist Ülle Meister’s drawing for children; being only under one year old I studied, analysed, and admired it. It was enjoyable, deepening experience which I also wish for my little daughter. Thus, I created the picture for her crib and the summer-like drawing was born in the Summer. The main inspiration was my little daughter herself – her facial expressions, her being, and her coming into this world. When I was a child, the most important things in the pictures were the abundance of the details and different activities, coloured with pure colours. Back then it was especially hard for me to understand why there are purple and brown pencils in the colour pencil box – who is going to use them? I was even mad at that that pencil box was in that way “polluted”… And now, I didn’t manage to create the picture without these.