Mazzano Romano – Kas nägid hinge – Did You See the Soul
Joonistus: segatehnika paberil (vajab raamimist)
Mõõdud: 45 (kõrgus) x 44,5 cm (laius)
25.04.2019, Mazzano Romano
Ma jäin paigale, ma olin kohal… Ja ta tuli, ta liikus mu ümber. Nagu vaimusilm näinud oli, ta järgnes loodusesse, kuid ta jättis mulle taganemistee. Kuidas oleksin ma enam tagasi astuda saanud? Ma jäin paigale, ma olin kohal…
25.04.2019, Mazzano Romano
I stayed there, I was still… And he came, he moved around me. As the spirit eye had seen, he came after I went into nature, but he left me with a retreat. How could I have resigned? I stayed there, I was still…
Drawing: mixed on paper (requires framing)
Size: 45 H x 44,5 cm W
HIND/ PRICE: 372 eur